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What makes you move? A NEON research workshop

  • Door:
    Pim Labee, Tessa Leferink & Emil Beemer
  • Datum:
    woensdag 11 oktober 2023
  • Tijd:
    10:30 - 12:00
  • Locatie:
    Praktijktheater TU/e - NEON

  • Pim Labee, Tessa Leferink, and Emil Beemer will host a workshop on travel behaviour and transitions in the mobility system. In an interactive session with the audience, they zoom in on 3 topics: agent-based traffic modelling, life events (like a new job), and the role of the commons in e.g. (informal) car sharing cooperatives.

  • Sprekers/Partners

    Pim Labee

    Phd Student Neon Research Program
    Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

    Tessa Leferink

    Phd Student Neon Research Program
    Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

    Emil Beemer

    Phd Student Neon Research Program
    Erasmus Universiteit